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The Mineral Waters of Druskininkai
Druskininkai - a cozy little town located in the South of Lithuania - is a genuinely eclectic wonder. Locals take pride in being part of one of the biggest resorts in the country and the vast variety of attractions it has to offer: Druskininkai SPA, a water amusement park, a beautiful dancing fountain, historical museums, wonderful nature and parks, the impressive Grutas Park holding Soviet sculptures, and much more. But what the people in this town are most proud of, and the reason for its fame, is the natural mineral water sources of Druskininkai. After reading about all the things to do in Druskininkai, you probably already want to go there not only to relax or take part in excursions but also to enjoy the natural mineral waters.
There are plenty of places for sightseeing in Druskininkai, such as Grutas Park and the M.K Čiurlionis Museum, but the most popular attraction for tourists in this town is the healing mineral waters. If you've always wanted to have a trip that will leave you looking better and feeling healthier, make sure to grab a tour to Druskininkai and experience the many miracles this town has to offer!
A Little Bit of History
The first time the town of Druskininkai was mentioned in written sources was in the 17th century. However, people have inhabited the area since the Stone Age! Until the 18th century, the town was just a regular Lithuanian village until it was declared the health center of Lithuania. The reason for this change was the discovery of a vast amount of natural mineral water sources. The development was taken advantage of, and Druskininkai became a health center and later a resort. Over the years, Druskininkai became the biggest health resort in Lithuania. The town and its attractions are developing and growing daily, making Druskininkai an ever-growing town.
What's So Special About Mineral Waters?
Drinking mineral water has many benefits for your health! Mineral water contains a lot of MINERALS! Not only does it have a fresh, fizzy taste, but it also provides your body with minerals and salts that you need for better health. Most commonly, you can purchase bottled mineral water in basically any store. But why do that when you have the opportunity to purchase one of the many Druskininkai tours and taste natural mineral water straight from the source?
Mineral Waters in Druskininkai
Since the end of the 18th century, there have always been rumors spreading about the miracle mineral waters that will make your skin softer, heal all your wounds, and cleanse your soul. There are over fifty mineral water sources in Druskininkai, providing the town with water full of calcium and sodium chloride, containing magnesium and bromine; water that is similar to well-known European mineral waters. The water found in Druskininkai mineral water sources is excellent for healing stomach, intestine, joints, skin, nervous system, and many more diseases. Probably, everyone in Lithuania has heard about the mineral water-soaked mud that works wonders, and it can be found in Druskininkai.

Professionally educated and highly experienced in tourism management, Rasa is passionate about encouraging guests to explore the Northeastern region of Europe in the most attractive way. She has been working in the tourism industry since 2000, assisting customers from 64 countries, and she loves doing it!