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Hill of Witches

Tours in Hill of Witches
If you're traveling to the Curonian Spit, make sure not to miss a stop in Juodkrantė, one of the towns on the Lithuanian Seaside Cycle Route. Here, you'll discover the mysterious Hill of Witches, an outdoor gallery featuring about 80 wooden sculptures on a forested sand dune at a height of approximately 0.5 kilometers. Originating in 1979, the hill has expanded over the years, with the sculptor drawing inspiration from the long tradition of woodcarving and Midsummer Night's Eve celebrations. Reflecting Lithuania's rich folklore heritage and pagan traditions, encountering characters in parks, streets, and open spaces is a common experience. Baltic Tours recommends exploring the hill on a tour to the Curonian Spit for a captivating encounter with these enchanting sculptures.

Professionally educated and highly experienced in tourism management, Rasa is passionate about encouraging guests to explore the Northeastern region of Europe in the most attractive way. She has been working in the tourism industry since 2000, assisting customers from 64 countries, and she loves doing it!