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Annie Of Tharau Fountain

Tours in Annie Of Tharau Fountain
In the heart of Klaipėda, the marine city, the well-known Theatre Square is graced by a fountain featuring a statue of a young woman—a representation of a character from the poems of Simon Datch, a 17th-century Prussian poet born in Klaipėda. The story goes that Datch fell in love with a young woman he observed in the Theatre Square, just in front of the eloquent Town Hall, inspiring him to immortalize her in his poetry. In the 20th century, sculptors recreated the statue dedicated to Simon Datch, bringing the character Annie to life.
Notably, the current statue is a restoration, with the original destroyed and later reconstructed in 1989. Adorning the column, you'll find a portrait medallion of Simon Datch, ensuring the inseparability of the literary lovers. An interesting note: the statue may hold greater meaning for those familiar with the writer's works. Explore this charming marine city by booking a tour to discover its remarkable places, perhaps inspiring you to delve into Simon's poems after a visit to the Square.

Professionally educated and highly experienced in tourism management, Rasa is passionate about encouraging guests to explore the Northeastern region of Europe in the most attractive way. She has been working in the tourism industry since 2000, assisting customers from 64 countries, and she loves doing it!